How designing for the minority benefits the majority

True inclusivity in design transcends the myth of the 'standard'. When we aim to cater only to the 'norm', we miss out on the richness of diversity. By crafting spaces that consider neurodiversity and a range of physical abilities, we create an environment that benefits everyone, enhancing comfort, productivity, and well-being.

Recognizing neurodiversity and physical abilities in design

Understanding the myriad ways people perceive and interact with their environment allows us to tap into a wealth of untapped potential. Neurodiversity encompasses a wide spectrum of cognitive abilities and learning styles, involving about 15-20% of the population. Coupled with the varying physical abilities of individuals, including those with disabilities, visual or hearing impairments, we realise that the human experience is a rich tapestry of diverse capabilities.

When we include these diverse needs in our design approach, we pave the way for spaces that are truly inclusive and enhance experiences for everyone.

Education Heritage collection
Interior Artcore

From design theory to carpet tiles

The power of design lies in its potential to support and enhance the lives of individuals across the spectrum of neurodiversity and physical abilities. This involves keen attention to aspects such as stimulation, naturalness, flexibility, and adjustability. Carpet tiles serve as a versatile tool in this context. With customizable colours, patterns, and textures, they can create atmospheres that stimulate or calm as needed. Their sound-absorbing qualities can reduce sensory overload for those sensitive to sound, and their tactile properties can be beneficial for those with visual impairments.

Interior Mezzo 659

Carpet tiles: the unsung heroes of inclusive design

Carpet tiles offer distinct advantages in inclusive design. They allow for customization that caters to diverse sensory needs. For those with visual impairments, different textures underfoot can assist in wayfinding. Their sound-absorbing qualities make spaces more comfortable, and they can define different areas and assist in navigation. With nature-inspired patterns, they can also create a soothing environment.

Acoustic Design

Crafting inclusive spaces with carpet features

The journey towards inclusivity in design begins with a thoughtful selection of carpet features. Colours that evoke calmness or stimulate focus, patterns that align with user needs, and textures that provide tactile guidance and comfort - all these elements contribute to an inclusive design. Are you ready to explore the transformative potential of carpet tiles in your design?

Conclusion: embrace the shift towards neurodiverse and accessibility friendly design

Designing for neurodiversity and a range of physical abilities means accepting and celebrating our diverse human experience. It means acknowledging the unique ways individuals perceive and interact with their surroundings.

Conventional interior design often falls short in catering to these diverse needs, but the solution is within reach. Flooring plays a crucial role in crafting spaces that embrace this diversity. Well-chosen carpet features can elevate your design and foster an environment of comfort and inclusion.

We ask: have your spaces been designed with all these diverse needs in mind? Are you ready to create a design that truly accommodates everyone? Your next step towards a truly inclusive design is just a carpet tile away.

Neurodiverse and Accessibility Friendly Design
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Get a feel for our carpets.

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