Oktra’s Custom Carpet Design Journey

Making your mark in the industry as an interior designer? It’s not easy peasy lemon squeezy. Senior Designer Monika Passey and Head of Graphic Design Monica Waple at Oktra Design & Build Studio know this challenge all too well. Partnering with modulyss’ product design team, they created a bespoke custom carpet that doesn’t only meet the functional requirements but also embodies the essence of the brand.

With a vision of fluidity and organic creativity, Oktra’s design translates a journey of exploration, promising a smooth and captivating spatial experience. "Driven by the ethos of discovery, our inspiration blossomed into a design narrative tailored for spaces where innovation thrives. Our aim was to ignite curiosity and captivate minds,”  Monica Waple explains. It stands not only as a testament to modulyss’ custom design service but as a beacon of possibility, showcasing the transformative power a thoughtful design can wield upon a space.

The Transformative Power of Soft Flooring

Marking the initial point of contact upon entering a room, flooring is seen as the foundation of a spatial design. Each type of flooring possesses its own unique characteristics, imbuing spaces with distinct ambiances. Soft flooring offers more than just acoustical benefits, it also has the power to turn a room’s ambience into a warm and home-like feel.

While some carpet designs are more suited for a particular use or segment, Oktra wanted this design to be one that broke those boundaries. Monika Passey: “The design can be used anywhere. That’s why we decided for an abstract design that can appeal to all sectors and thus showing the limitless possibilities of this project.”  The goal of this project was to showcase to other designers that they don’t have to keep their creativity limited to a box or the square of the carpet tile. By playing with organic shapes that seamlessly flow into one and other, they can transform their spatial design into something harmonious and cohesive.

Monika Passey

As an interior designer you experience a lot of challenges in the field but the one that holds the crown, is keeping up with the trends. You don’t want to fall into a trap of repetition and that’s where this custom design service can come in very handy.

- Monika Passey, Senior Designer at Oktra

The Design Process

Out of the four base tiles the modulyss product design team proposed, Oktra opted for Velvet& as the canvas of their design. “It brings the whole design to life and gave it the boost it needed”, Monica Waple explains.

With limitless creativity and complete control, Oktra crafted a narrative that speaks volumes, marking their unique imprint on the industry. Gratitude fills the collaborative journey as creativity intertwines with craftsmanship, shaping outcomes that exceed expectations and set new standards for innovation.

Monica Waple

We loved the collaborative journey with modulyss’ product design team. Everyone's helpfulness and informative nature made this whole process easy and enjoyable. We were also given complete creative control and the way our ideas blended perfectly with the knowledge and craftsmanship of the team, led to a wonderful outcome.

- Monica Waple, Head of Graphic Design at Oktra
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